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Aula 4 - Epidemiologia e impacto da COVID-19 na saúde pública

Atualizado: 24 de mai. de 2020

Olá, Pessoal!

Está no ar a quarta aula do nosso curso intitulada "Epidemiologia e impacto da COVID-19 na saúde pública", ministrada pelo Professor Lucas Rafael Lopes!

Aula retirada do ar conforme cronograma do curso!

Até a próxima aula!

Não esqueçam de fazer o Estudo Dirigido.

Vídeos Recomendados:

Bibliografia Recomendada:

  • ROTHMAN, Kenneth; GREENLAND, Sander; LASH, Timothy. Epidemiologia Moderna-3ª Edição. Artmed Editora, 2016.

  • TU, Huilan et al. The epidemiological and clinical features of COVID-19 and lessons from this global infectious public health event. Journal of Infection, 2020.

  • NADEEM, Muhammad Shahid et al. Origin, Potential Therapeutic Targets and Treatment for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Pathogens, v. 9, n. 4, p. 307, 2020.

  • MUNSTER, Vincent J. et al. A novel coronavirus emerging in China—key questions for impact assessment. New England Journal of Medicine, v. 382, n. 8, p. 692-694, 2020.

  • CASTRO, Rodolfo et al. COVID-19: a meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy of commercial assays registered in Brazil. The Brazilian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020.

  • CORBURN, Jason et al. Slum Health: Arresting COVID-19 and Improving Well-Being in Urban Informal Settlements. Journal of Urban Health, p. 1-10, 2020.

  • FANG, Yicheng et al. Sensitivity of chest CT for COVID-19: comparison to RT-PCR. Radiology, p. 200432, 2020.

  • HUANG, Chaolin et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. The Lancet, v. 395, n. 10223, p. 497-506, 2020.

  • STANG, Andreas; STANDL, Fabian; JÖCKEL, Karl-Heinz. Characteristics of COVID-19 pandemic and public health consequences. Herz, p. 1-3, 2020.

  • WU, Jianguo et al. Detection and analysis of nucleic acid in various biological samples of COVID-19 patients. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, p. 101673, 2020.

  • ZHONG, Ling et al. Detection of serum IgM and IgG for COVID-19 diagnosis. Science China Life Sciences, v. 63, p. 777-780, 2020.

  • MonitoraCovid-19 (Icict/Fiocruz):

Obrigada! Até a próxima aula!

Por Lucas Lopes

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